Frankly I was amazed at what I saw when I clicked on a link absent mindedly like I always do when I chat on mIRC. It was a voice actor that I personally have never heard about that spoke during a convention about the quasi-sensitive topics of scanlations and fansubs. First of all, I'll say that I do download fansubs and scanlations and I do fansub. Before this I had the dimmest idea of the situation that was going on in the anime world and businesses that were involved in the creation, preparation and distribution of anime in Japan and worldwide. This made me question some ethics most of us were going by. The question of ethics becomes a serious issue in terms of sustaining the world of anime we all know and love when the businesses that depend on the distribution of anime are losing money because of it. That said, the videos are available after the jump so 56k'ers may not appreciate having a whole lot of flash videos thrown at them so I'll say this first. Don't click if your pipe can't take it. There are 18 videos here cut up by topic from youtube for your convienience.

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written by astrobunny \\

In university, luckily, we don't have class streaming where the ordinary get thrown into other classes and the elite get skimmed into an air-conditioned room. However, its a horrible thing too because you know people around you are like the best from their respective schools and you realize that you're not the only smartass around. Its incredible how Its incredible how some people really really work so hard that you realize the futility in it and decide to slack off, in which case you lose out anyway to even more people. some people really really work so hard that you realize the futility in it and decide to slack off, in which case you lose out anyway to even more people. I guess its all about maturity. You can't win unless you keep yourself calm and find a smart way to beat them. Konata however, is a very different story.

written by astrobunny \\

I never could tell the difference...

written by astrobunny \\

Some people really have that awesome pwning inherent trait that makes them so likeable that you would jump off a cliff because your life is sadder than a horse that lost one of its legs. I'm being sarcastic here. But seriously. They are so likeable you'd hate yourself for liking them. (I think I said that before) If I had a girlfriend named Miyuki and is just like her, I'd go to mass everyday and say 5 decades just because I'd be eternally grateful for the greatest prize given to man.

written by astrobunny \\

I bumped my head on the way out of the car when I wanted to go for an eye check. Seriously. That reminds me. Its been a while since I started wearing the pair of glasses I'm wearing now. Perhaps its time for a change?

written by astrobunny \\

Lol. Moe factors. Moe (more-eh) is basically means "infatuating" in Japanese. It means like... fascinating in a girl-is-arousing sense. Moe-factor then translates to factors that make people aroused. I don't find Miyuki THAT arousing coz she's a comic character, but I do agree with Konata on that one. I love blur girls. They just act so cute! On the subject of weaknesses, yes I do have moments when I feel certain people have absolutely no weaknesses at all. They are so perfect you'd hate yourself for liking them. Ugh. And I really hated looking at my position on the results lists back in school. Makes me feel so small.

written by astrobunny \\

Alright. This is really freaky. What Konata said at the end, was exactly what I told my friend about Valentine's Day. Gosh. I'm a sad guy too o.o;

written by astrobunny \\

Ouch. I missed another day again. I'm sorry! >_To make up for it, I'll make another post soon! Thus today will be a double post! WOOT!

written by astrobunny \\

Heh. It's not really stop and think, but that's what I think it means.

written by astrobunny \\

Woops. looks like I'm falling behind in my discipline, missing another post again yesterday was hardly anything to be proud of. I'll try and keep it daily next time.

written by astrobunny \\