Picture 1 in [Christmas Preparations]

Everyone's really busy today trying to get stuff tied up for friday!

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written by astrobunny \\ drossel, figma, fraulein, haruhi, hiyori, kagami, kyon, kyonko, len, miyuki, nendo, rin, ryouko, tsukasa

Picture 1 in [Rant]

Sometimes just wished that Kyon is a girl. It would make the anime over9000x better than what it already is now, not to mention more realistic too. Every time I look at Kyonko, I scratch my head and wonder... Who the fuck was the genius that thought this up?! He'd better enroll in MIT and bring us into a true space age, because just in case you haven't noticed, more than 60 years after the first flight to the moon. we still don't have space colonies. Seriously, wtf.

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written by astrobunny \\ fansubbing, haruhi, kyonko, rant

Picture 1 in [Kyonko wants to watch K-ON]

Yes dear. You can watch it soon. I'm waiting too...

written by astrobunny \\ figma, k-on, kyonko, nagato, waiting

Picture 1 in [Boredom]

"Whatcha doin'?"
"Looking at the stars"

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written by astrobunny \\ black hair, boredom, kyonko, miniskirt, nagato, nagatoid, pervert, random, shakugan no shana

Picture 1 in [Amazing figma mods]figma blog, which is edited by the people responsible for figmas themselves, Max Watanabe and Masaki Asai.
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written by astrobunny \\ blog, chouyusha, chouyusha haruhi, custom, dere nagato, figma, haruhi, hiyori, imouto, kagami, kagamiku, konata, kunikida, kusakabe, kyon, kyon's sister, kyonko, lucky star, mikuru, mikuru mod, minami, misao, mod, mods, nagato, nendoroid, puchi, resin, shorts, sister, tsukasa, yutaka

Picture 1 in [Amazing figma mods Part 2]

The last post was mostly figma mods of Haruhi and Lucky Star characters. In this post however, I'm going to show you some mods of characters not from those two, and despite them not having as crazy a fanbase as the KyoAni produtions, there are still some incredible modding adventures here everyone would want to have kids with. Again, credits of the pics go to the figma blog unless otherwise stated.

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written by astrobunny \\ blog, chouyusha, chouyusha haruhi, custom, dere nagato, figma, haruhi, hiyori, imouto, kagami, kagamiku, konata, kunikida, kusakabe, kyon, kyon's sister, kyonko, lucky star, mikuru, mikuru mod, minami, misao, mod, mods, nagato, nendoroid, puchi, resin, shorts, sister, tsukasa, yutaka

Picture 1 in [First love is the sweetest]

written by astrobunny \\ figma, genderbending, haruhi, kyonko, love, nagato, scene

Picture 1 in [Moar Kyonko!]

Moar pictures of my new epic addition to my collection.

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written by astrobunny \\ awesome, brown hair, figma, kyonko, win

Picture 1 in [Feminine Side]

And so I've completed my Kyonko figma. It actually came as a surprise to me that although there were lots of figma mods out there, few mods were actually Kyonko mods. Its surprising because it's so easy to do. I've also realized that becoming a figma modder isn't anything special, but rather the next step after being a figma collecter. It makes sense, since the whole point I became a figma collector was because I loved this stuff. Anyway, it turns out the brown paint for the hair wasn't as dry as I thought it was, and I should've let it cure a bit longer. Perhaps after this I'll repaint the hair to get a more lasting finish.

written by astrobunny \\ figma, gender bender, gender bending, gender changer, haruhi, kyonko