Picture 1 in [Macross 16]

This time we see Birler's new dream of uniting the galaxy's vast distances to ease travel. It's a great idea. But won't it become like... crowded? I mean, the galaxy is so big and wide, that's why all of us have so much fun exploring it. If it was all in one place, it would just become boring and stuff. I wonder about the fold faults. Maybe people truly are frustrated with the fact that they still can't cut through the galaxy as they liked. But then again there's that special foldpack that Michael and Ranka used... Maybe we are seeing Birler's plan come to life?

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written by astrobunny \\

I was digging through my old stuff today and I found something I thought I lost for a long time. Its a small Gundam Seed Flash that I made to impress the guys on NarutoFan forums once upon a time. Enjoy.

written by astrobunny \\

Picture 1 in [Clannad 24: Tomoyo's Part]

I have managed to get my hands on KyoAni's latest and last rendition of the CLANNAD series. If you haven't watched it, I suggest you don't read on because it will completely spoil the episode for you. Like, seriously. KyoAni has managed to overdo themselves and bring back the magic that gave life to Kanon and Haruhi. Much as my blogging skills suck, this is one show I cannot neglect to pay tribute to.

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written by astrobunny \\ 24, clannad, council, kyoani, love, magic, okazaki, relationship, sakagami, student, tomoya, tomoyo

Picture 1 in [What 'bout my star!?]

After watching Macross Frontier 15, I think that my suspicions that the Vajra attacks on Frontier is a conspiracy are confirmed. It seems there are perpetrators roaming the space between Frontier and Galaxy, and that the past distress communications, skirmish with the battleship from Galaxy, close encounters and the yellow-haired pretty boy were all pawns in a massive game of chess played by a bunch of wizards in Galaxy. It just begs the question... why? Why all the plans? Why all the effort to bring danger to Macross Frontier, the closest humans have come to towards the center of the Galaxy?

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written by astrobunny \\ alto, black hole, conspiracy, ecosystem, frontier, galaxy, grace, implants, macross, macross 15, macross frontier, ozma, president, queen, ranka lee, sheryl nome, suspicious, tsundere, vajra

If I didn't know better, I think this guy was really in to it. Using 3D to render Haruhi and friends opening theme song to Motteke! Serafuku. Nice and professionally done, although there were some quirky areas and parts of it weren't animated properly, this is truly a video to be applauded.

Don't get me wrong. I like the video but I don't like the guy. He made Mikuru look like Kyon's girlfriend -.-;

written by astrobunny \\

Picture 1 in [Cooking]

I never cooked a lot before. The only time I learned cooking was when I was flatting, because I was starving to death when I had nothing cooked to eat. So I burned my first dish. It was such a mess I couldn't bring myself to photograph it. Does anyone of you cook?

written by astrobunny \\