Picture 1 in [I wish I had telepathy]

Then I could talk in secret with my close friends by just looking at them instead of having to wait till no one's around to talk.

written by astrobunny \\ banri, railgun, telepathy

Picture 1 in [The Railgun]

So I've always only been talking about characters other than the railgun herself, and after watching this episode, I decided that she, as the title character be at least given some blogtime. After all, she does shine in ways very few people do.

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written by astrobunny \\ arts, awesome, capable, dedicated, dere, determined, humble, mikoto, misaka, model, patient, railgun, skilled, smart, tsun, tsundere, violin, win

Picture 1 in [Happy Valentine's Day]

I got a present from Saten. It was quite a surprise. I hope everyone's had a great Valentine's Day too! Also, to all of you who do celebrate it, Happy Chinese New Year!

written by astrobunny \\ blush, chocolate, original, ruiko, saten, valentine

Picture 1 in [Summertime is almost over...]

For those of you in the south, here's a friendly reminder that there aren't many days of summer left, so make sure you make the most of it while you can! Or you can migrate like the birds and go to Japan where the next summertime is going to be held this year. Stop sitting at home watching anime and go outside and break some watermelons!

written by astrobunny \\ beach, mikoto, misaka, railgun, red, south, suika, summertime, swimsuit, watermelon

Picture 1 in [Kuroko The Dorm Squid]

No matter how you look at it, Kuroko is the dorm's resident squid. She gets twisted and folded till her bones make sounds and she gets thrown around like a fresh jellyfish. Not to mention her twintails exaggerate the look of a dead squid.

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written by astrobunny \\ aru, dorm, kagaku, kuroko, manager, no, pet, railgun, shirai, squid, to

Picture 1 in [Poor Saten]

Saten's always so frustrated with her Level 0-ness that I can't help but feel her pain. I mean, everyone around her is like a talented esper, but not her. Especially since she set out to actually gain these sorts of powers, its like reaching out to try and touch a star.

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written by astrobunny \\ chousen, ganbare, isshokenmei, level 0, milk, railgun, saten

Picture 1 in [To Aru NORMAL na GIRL]

Saten is so much love. The reason? Well I don't know. I guess its just because she's normal? Correct me if I'm wrong but for some reason she feels more real than any other character in Railgun.

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written by astrobunny \\ 0, depression, esper, ganbatte, komoe, level, level 0, normal, peer, pressure, railgun, realization, saten, work hard

Picture 1 in [Biribiri Mizugi]

Today we are treated to a very awesome swimsuit parade, courtesy of Academy City.

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written by astrobunny \\ , awesome, biribiri, curry, dfc, epic win, exotic, extreme, greatness, mizugi, power, railgun, ruiko, sarong, sarong is love, sarongs are awesome, saten, saten ruiko, saten-san, snake, wonderful

Picture 1 in [Dear my friend, you are the target]

This must be the 5th time I watched this episode.

written by astrobunny \\ railgun, shock, target, uiharu

Picture 1 in [Saten looks like Mio but is nothing like her]

Picture 2 in [Saten looks like Mio but is nothing like her]

Same hair, same eyes, same build, completely different person. Its amazing how two people can appear so similar yet look so different. I believe that we humans have eyes that see further than just the skin.

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written by astrobunny \\ black eyes, black hair, genki, k-on, kagaku, mio, mio and saten, railgun, saten, science, sharp eyes, to aru, tsundere