Picture 1 in [The Railgun]

So I've always only been talking about characters other than the railgun herself, and after watching this episode, I decided that she, as the title character be at least given some blogtime. After all, she does shine in ways very few people do.

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written by astrobunny \\ arts, awesome, capable, dedicated, dere, determined, humble, mikoto, misaka, model, patient, railgun, skilled, smart, tsun, tsundere, violin, win

Picture 1 in [K-ON Real Life Imitations]

Today, while waiting to watch K-ON, I occupied myself with various real life attempts to bring the OP and ED to life. Quite surprisingly, after merely 4 weeks of airing, there's so much stuff out there its hard to imagine that most of the people who watch K-ON aren't exactly musicians. Furthermore, it seems this anime has had the effect of driving up guitar sales in certain places too. Oh well. This post contains some of the better K-ON music videos of people playing the OP and ED.

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written by astrobunny \\ bass, drums, guitar, k-on, lucky star, piano, recorder, stepmania, tissue princess, violin, youtube

Picture 1 in [Nagatoid]

Today out of utter roneriness I decided to dress Nagato up in something completely out of character for her. Presenting... The Agent of the Integrated Sentient Data Entity 02, Nagatoid.

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written by astrobunny \\ alternate reality, fiction within fiction, nagato, nagatoid, violin