Picture 1 in [Today in Mai HQ]

Today, I came home to find the usual figma infestation on my table.

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written by astrobunny \\ asuka, drossel, fate, figma, figma everyday, haruhi, kagami, mai hq, messing around, messy, nanoha, seto, shakugan no shana, tsukasa, yutaka

Picture 1 in [Figmas that I can't wait to be released]

There is a reason I'm a figma collector. The biggest reason being Max Factory seems to know exactly what I want. They will get their money once they start releasing more win. Hakurei Reimu is one of them, but I want them to announce a Reisen Udongein Inaba too!!

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written by astrobunny \\ 2009, anticipation, awesome, canaan, fate, figma, loli, love, nanoha, vita, wonfest

Picture 1 in [Nanoha-ON!]

Because I feel like a lazy bastard tonight, I couldn't really be bothered about thinking of what I wanted to post, so I thought I'd make this quick. Here's a picture post for all you K-ON and Nanoha fans.

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written by astrobunny \\ fate, hayate no gotoku, k-on, nanoha, reinforce zwei, signum, vita

Picture 1 in [Life in Mai Room]

For those of you who don't know yet, you can click on the picture, and it will enlarge itself. Lately there's been a wave of boredom coming my way. I started watching Koukaku no Regios and I'm still trying to wrap my head around it and think about whether or not I really want to talk about it. All I know is that Nina has hot zettais and white haired girl is an SM fan. So the story didn't make much sense to me yet, and once I get it I'll start posting about it.

Also, rewatching ARIA is actually becoming a daily routine. Sometimes I'd just come home and sit down in front of my macbook and choose a random episode to watch. It always helps to calm my mind somehow. Whenever I feel frustrated at work, I look at Akari, and the solutions tend to come naturally. I'm starting to wonder if it is psychological, or if I might really need psychological help. Oh well, whatever gets me by day by day. Oh and sometimes it really does get that lively in this room. ESPECIALLY while I'm watching ARIA. I need to clear up some space which is not my table for the figmas to play on, or else I'm going to have to put them all back in their boxes.

... And no. This post does not imply Shugo Chara is unlucky too.

written by astrobunny \\ fate, figma comics, final fantasy, forced, gp, haruhi, hp, kagamine, kawaii, knife, mikuru, nagato, nanoha, nyoron, rin, seto, shakugan no shana, tsuruya, unrequited love

Picture 1 in [I woke up this morning and saw...]

なのは: フェイト、そこにポーズして

フェイト: ハ...

なのは: かわいいねえ

フェイト: うん。

なのは: 赤ちゃん作りましょう。

フェイト: え?

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written by astrobunny \\ fate, harlaown, harlown, mahou houjo, nanoha, takamachi, testarossa, yuri

Picture 1 in [Another Random Encounter]

So another box came in today and Haruhi and friends all came jumping down the side of the shelf to see who's the newcomer into the Grand Chamber. I told them to be patient and wait for me to slowly peel off this shipment document from the box, which came off surprisingly clean.

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written by astrobunny \\ fate, figma, figure, good smile company, harlown, haruhi, konami, mahou shoujo lyrical nanoha, max factory, nanoha, shakugan no shana, testarossa

Picture 1 in [Why there are no girls on IRC]

If you think about it, maybe its because everyone of us are virtual traps?

written by astrobunny \\ irc, nanoha, random