Picture 1 in [Haruhi Movie]

I watched this for the second time today. I actually watched it on the 18th of December last year. Whether or not that was a coincidence is probably pretty moot. Or perhaps some unknown force that we dare not admit exists plays a hand in our lives as well. Whatever it was, this movie is every bit as awesome as the Disappearance of Suzumiya Haruhi. After all, this movie was the adaptation of the book itself.

Picture 2 in [Haruhi Movie]

I won't say any more beyond this. If you want to see a novel come to life, here's your chance.

written by astrobunny \\ 2010, awesome, disappearance, haruhi, movie, nagato, novel, shoushitsu, suzumiya, win, yuki

Picture 1 in [Rin has found something...]

Rin found something, and after a bit of struggling she finally managed to cut open the cellotape and pull open the cover flaps. I wonder whats inside... Let's follow Rin in and find out...

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written by astrobunny \\ akari, alicia, aria, aria company, bubble wrap, cute, diorama, figmadventures, gundam, haruhi, kagamine, len, pokoteng, rin, saviour, shakugan no shana, suzumiya, tsuruya

Picture 1 in [Evil Witch Nagato Figma]

After long lengths of procrastination, I have finally decided to open my Evil Witch Nagato Figma. I know I am HORRIBLY late on this, but what's a man to do? This package has proven itself to be one of the most interesting and most fun figma sets I have ever acquired. For one thing, it is PACKED with all manner of accessories, something relatively rare among the figma series.

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written by astrobunny \\ electric guitar, figma, god knows, haruhi, musician, nagato, suzumiya, witch

Picture 1 in [Konami Haruhi + Furniture]

Not too many posts ago I said that I got a Konami Haruhi figure. That's right. Konami. Thus breaking my tradition of only getting stuff from Max Factory. However, the selling point of this figure was actually the furniture that came with it. If it was just the figure I probably wouldn't have even bothered. They actually used a drawing on the front of the box. Doesn't say much about their confidence in the product.

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written by astrobunny \\ diorama, figma, furniture, haruhi, konami, suzumiya

Picture 1 in [Another Figma Shipment...]

I have managed to get my hands on more figmas this season. This is actually last month's news, but I couldn't live with myself if I didn't make the effort to at least make a post on it. So here we go!

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written by astrobunny \\ asakura, figma, haruhi, max factory, mikuru, nagato, nendroid, ryoko, suzumiya, tsuruya, yuki