Picture 1 in [Mapo Tofu is Delicious]

I agree with Tachibana. Mapo Tofu is truly delicious stuff. I don't know what it's like in Japan, but I know it burns my tongue to kingdom come after a meal that's full of it. It's the kind of food that is so nice to eat, you won't stop, and kills you after the meal because of the sheer amount you ate, contrary to what cat tongued Otonashi feels in 2D. Maybe Mapo Tofu is different in purgatory...

Picture 2 in [Mapo Tofu is Delicious]

Ahhh sweet red. I need to have some of this soon.

Picture 3 in [Mapo Tofu is Delicious]

Cute Tachibana is mind-numbingly cute. Otonashi was right, how could such a cute girl be an enemy of the people anyway?

Picture 4 in [Mapo Tofu is Delicious]

Oh angel, don't sleep after eating. You'll become a cow...

Picture 5 in [Mapo Tofu is Delicious]

Of course, she has her assertive side as well. Well, I'm sure anyone who's been assaulted often enough would be tired of getting shot through by bullets and impaled.

Picture 6 in [Mapo Tofu is Delicious]

I must be a masochist though, even this side of her is cute. Oh Key. Wry you do dis.

Picture 7 in [Mapo Tofu is Delicious]

And then there's always the incredibly outworldly and creativity limit bending jokes that seem to always come with soft spoken cool emotionless girls like her. I guess even the student council president needs to amuse herself once in a while. Even when developing weapons to prevent herself from becoming another horror scene.

written by astrobunny \\ angel, beats, epic, flower, guard skill, handsonic, kanade, love, mapo, tachibana, tofu, win