Picture 1 in [Addicted to StarCraft]

Lately I've been having too much fun with the latest Korean game thing in strategy games. Yes, that's right. If you couldn't guess it you probably have been living under a rock, or real life has taken your life away from you.

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written by astrobunny \\ addiction, angel, game, kanade, map drawing, protoss, queen, starcraft, tachibana, terran, zerg

Picture 1 in [Mapo Tofu is Delicious]

I agree with Tachibana. Mapo Tofu is truly delicious stuff. I don't know what it's like in Japan, but I know it burns my tongue to kingdom come after a meal that's full of it. It's the kind of food that is so nice to eat, you won't stop, and kills you after the meal because of the sheer amount you ate, contrary to what cat tongued Otonashi feels in 2D. Maybe Mapo Tofu is different in purgatory...

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written by astrobunny \\ angel, beats, epic, flower, guard skill, handsonic, kanade, love, mapo, tachibana, tofu, win

Picture 1 in [To Key "fanboys"]

<fanboy> Its TENSHI not ANGEL

I'll call her whatever the hell I want. If you don't like hearing her being called angel then fuck off.

written by astrobunny \\ fanboy, high level fan my ass, idiots, kanade, key, rant, tachibana