Picture 1 in [K-ON is so awesome its depressing]

And Yui looks like a walking comedy no matter what she does.

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written by astrobunny \\ awesome, azusa, band, k-on, mio, mugi, ritsu, sawa-chan, yui

Picture 1 in [figma Kagamiku]

Yes. I got this for some weeks now. I just didn't have the time to do a complete fawn and fanboy review over it. BUT NOW I DO WAHAHAHA. My camera's flash is dying so bear with the darkness of the photos. You can increase the gamma on your screen to see it better if that helps.

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written by astrobunny \\ band, concert, cosplay, green hair, kagami, kagamiku, lucky star, miku, music, twintail

Picture 1 in [Lucky Star Band]

My very own 軽音楽部 (keiongakubu).

written by astrobunny \\ band, bass, drum, guitar, kagami, konata, lucky star, miyuki, piano, tsukasa

Picture 1 in [Today at Band Practice]

Haruhi's gotten impatient waiting for the drumset to arrive, so she ordered the SOS brigade into practice mode.

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written by astrobunny \\ band, figma, grand piano, guitar, haruhi, itsuki, kagamine, kyon, mikuru, nagato, rin, transfer

Picture 1 in [K-ON! Let There Be Music!]

I must say that after watching the first EP of K-ON, I feel like I was exposed to a sudden rush of pure win again. Not because the story was good or anything, or that KyoAni's art strikes again, but because its about a band, and the ending theme Don't Say "Lazy" is fukken awesome!

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written by astrobunny \\ band, bass, drum, guitar, haruhi, impressions, k-on, keyboard, live, mio, music, musician, ritsu, spring season, thought, tsugumi, yui