Picture 1 in [Anime Censorship]

Lately anime production companies have been employing high dynamic range colouring to comply with the self censorship laws in Japan. Whether or not this is to avoid breaking the law or to encourage DVD sales is however, left to question.

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written by astrobunny \\ censorship, fanservice, green hair, himari, loli, mist, omahima, omamori, water, white

Picture 1 in [figma Kagamiku]

Yes. I got this for some weeks now. I just didn't have the time to do a complete fawn and fanboy review over it. BUT NOW I DO WAHAHAHA. My camera's flash is dying so bear with the darkness of the photos. You can increase the gamma on your screen to see it better if that helps.

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written by astrobunny \\ band, concert, cosplay, green hair, kagami, kagamiku, lucky star, miku, music, twintail